Etch-37 is a 37% semi-gel phosphoric acid etchant available with Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC) and designed for etching tooth structure prior to bonding.
Select HV Etch is a 35% high viscosity phosphoric acid etchant available with Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC) and is designed for pin-point accuracy.
Uni-Etch is a 32% semi-gel phosphoric acid etchant available with Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC) and designed for etching tooth structure prior to bonding.
Bisco’s Porcelain Etchants improve the adhesive bond between porcelain and resin cements.
BISCO’s phosphoric acid etchants are formulated for maximum working and handling, pin-point placement performance, and eliminating run-on onto the dentin surface. Our etchants are also renowned for rinsing away cleanly and quickly, never leaving residue to interfere with bonding. BISCO’s etchants contain BAC. Choose from Uni-Etch® (32%), Select HV® Etch (35%) or Etch-37™ (37%).
We also offer Porcelain Etchant Hydrofluoric Acid Gel in two concentrations. The material is designed to improve the adhesive bond between porcelain and cement and increase the surface area of the porcelain to be bonded.
Not sure when to etch? Our experts are available to answer your questions.