Dr. John Flucke Test Drives TheraBase


Dr. John Flucke tested TheraBase® and received phenomenal results. TheraBase is a dual-cure, calcium and fluoride-releasing, self-adhesive base and liner. It uses THERA technology, chemically bonds to the tooth structure, and releases and recharges calcium and fluoride ions.* ThereBase is stronger than other base materials, glass ionomers, and resin-modified glass ionomers.*

One benefit that Dr. Flucke found is that as it releases calcium and fluoride, it works as soon as it is hit with light. Further, he found TheraBase to be highly radiopaque, shows up well on bitewings, and allows for easy identification on radiographs. The ability to cure even in the dark was a standout benefit of TheraBase. Visit BISCO.com to learn more.

*Data on file. BISCO, Inc.